maybe we shouldn't meet.
i honestly don't think i want to know more than i do now. i don't think i would like knowing.
when i read that it was her again, i hated it. it just made me feel that i was a filler, something like a 5-year-itch. i don't think i would've minded as much if it was somebody else. but it was her and it made all the difference i never expected it would.
someone said that perfect love may be impossible to give or achieve, but we should try nevertheless. he said that we should allow ourselves to stretch and be stretched as thinly as humanly possible. that there's no point in doing otherwise because it simply is the meaning of love.
i thought you had this somewhat and at some point, for me.
i'm definitely not trying to win you back, i honestly believe you are and will be much happier with her than you would be with anybody else. it's just, she was willing to go as far as she could for love, for the love of you that it would be insane to create a threat to that.
i wish you happiness and i wish you love.